GAIMIN: Platform Updates. March 2023.
5 min readMar 30, 2023


Once again, lots more progress has been made on our GAIMIN platform and Here is a summary of the latest release notes, with the links to the full release notes below.

Don’t forget, if you have already installed GAIMIN, you can update it to the latest version by opening the platform, and if you haven’t yet tried GAIMIN, we invite you to become a tester by visiting

Here are the key TL;DR highlights of this month’s updates:

  • Significant updates to the platform including the wallet integration for BNB Chain and a revamp of the main platform page to display more of the most commonly viewed details.
  • New updates to the “Watch and Earn” streamer integration preparing for the addition of new streamers.
  • Extensive updates to the to improve the rendering experience for the user.
  • Addition of a further 1500 test users.
  • New collectibles based on Gaimin Gladiators Lima success.

Here are the more detailed updates with links to the full release notes below:

Feature Updates Application:

  • Icon added to NFT picture to identify the blockchain.
  • NFT blockchain added to Platform database for NFT.
  • Support for BNB Chain added.
  • BNB offers added to Marketplace.
  • Accounting numbers are now displayed to 4 decimal places and rounded up to the 4th decimal place so 0.0000 is displayed as 0.0001 if relevant.
  • Update to benchmarking to check crypto requirements prior to benchmarking.
  • The “Dashboard” will now update each time it is opened as opposed to when the platform is loaded.
  • User detail endpoint updated to return additional information.
  • Ordering of devices in the device list changed to put “hidden” devices at the end of the list.
  • When donating to a streamer, a confirmation popup now requires acceptance by the donor to make the donation.
  • Changes to store additional wallet addresses on the server to facilitate the requirement for multiple wallets in the application.
  • “Live” indicator added to streamers when they are streaming.
  • Functionality added to enable devices in the device list to be hidden.
  • Zammand chat added to
  • Refresh added to Achievements to provide regular updates.
  • Token management refresh api added to allow refreshing of metadata endpoints.
  • /api/devices/me/miningtime updated to add start and end mining times to allow more detailed statistics to be collected.

Functionality Updates — Application and Cloud:

  • A work unit is allocated to a worker to ensure the same work unit is provided if the worker requests a work unit multiple times.
  • Work Unit capacity now changed to time and set to 1 minute. Each work unit will now receive at least 1 frame and a maximum of 10% of the frames for the job.
  • Client balance is now incorporated into endpoint decision-making to help understand whether rendering can be started.
  • Implement a system for log file storage.
  • Interceptor added to repeat File Browser requests if response status is 500 and allow for 3 attempts.
  • Work Units are attached to specific workers to ensure the worker gets the same work unit when requested and the work unit has not expired.
  • Workunit metric capacity changed to minutes to allow for dynamic changing of number of frames inside workunit. Functionality changed to add at least 1 frame and limit the number of frames to 10% of the job. Cost capacity calculation changed to provide a “real balance” status.
  • Client balance is now incorporated into the decision making process for pending jobs.
  • CRON job added to check for failed analysis.
  • Log and analysis outputs now stored in Kibana.

Bug Fixes and Cosmetic/UI Changes — Application and Cloud:

  • Removal of text for Donation.
  • Ordering of “Achievements” and “New Items” changed on the Home page.
  • Update to DeviceAPI endpoint to return all active cryptos.
  • Update to eliminate NA being used as a value for chain values.
  • OptiFine instructions amended to reflect a more general text approach due to half yearly changes from the developer.
  • “Poor Internet” notification pop-up removed from user display.
  • On Reassigning a device, only a notification will be displayed, the pop-up is not needed.
  • After “login” the active page focus will now always display the “Home” page rather than the previous page the user was on prior to the new login.
  • After logging out, only the current device will now be displayed .
  • Amendment to hashrate displayed when multiple devices are monetizing — now displays the total hasrate as opposed to the hashrate from a single device.
  • When an “Achievement” NFT is expired, the display will not show the number of expired NFTs.
  • Fix to repeat File Browser requests if they fail with error 500.
  • Timeout added to kill instance to enable final logs to be written from the java process.
  • Correct logo representation for updated on site.
  • Addition of new accounts for Dev and QA users.
  • Transactions pages now show 15 transactions per page.
  • Error with Loader display corrected if more than 1 file is being uploaded at the same time.
  • Data view index name renamed to “Analysis”.
  • Error in display of “Monetization” power corrected.
  • Error message for “Something went wrong” corrected.
  • Files missing an extension cannot be submitted for rendering, fix to ensure files have an extension applied .
  • Error in displaying miner statistics corrected.
  • Correction to attribution of “undefined” to mining pool after mining pool error.
  • Correction to rendering processing process for last frame rendering in workunit.
  • QA channel for streaming testing added.
  • Update to rendering availability endpoint to support rendering api changes.
  • Timeout added before job killed to allow for final logs to be written to elastic.
  • If a duplicate username is provided by the client on registration, a validation message is returned to the user indicating the problem.
  • Username field removed from dto on POST /client endpoint.
  • System_info_id deleted from worker_system_info table on prod database.
  • All references to gaimincloud changed to
  • New Dev and QA user accounts created.
  • Number of transactions per page limited to 15 to resolve pagination issues.
  • If a second file is uploaded whilst the first file is still uploading, the loader animation stops. This has now been corrected.
  • Kibana data view index renamed.

(You can find the links to the latest full release notes here, here, here and here)

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GAIMIN Empowers Gamers Leveraging Web3 Technology in Building the Future of Cloud Computing | Top 5 Esports Organization Gaimin Gladiators

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