Here’s the link to the full whitepaper
Executive Summary:
“TL;DR” Summary Of The Project
- Introduction: have managed to identify an innovative solution to one of the largest growing global resource requirements in the market today, the current requirement is huge and growing exponentially year on year with no real solution for provision currently available., have not only identified the issue, the requirement, and the demand but have also managed to formulate a profitable solution to the on-going problem.
- Opportunity: It is a well-known fact that the world has become more and more reliant on the digital environment and just like all environments, its very survival and financial stability relies on the provision of required resources. Just as electricity, oil, gas, water, and capital are finite vital resources within the real world, computer processing power is the finite required resource of the digital world.
- Markets: In the digital world, the required, necessary resource in question is cost-effective, efficient, reliable, globally distributed computer processing power. Putting it simply, the world has a huge demand for processing power, almost everything in our modern lives now requires some form of processing operation. The current market demand is proving undeliverable, unfeasible and financial untenable to supply in its current format.
- Solution: Rather than spending billions of dollars on building dedicated resource farms, are accessing the worldwide gaming community, and utilising and rewarding this global network of untapped, globally distributed resources of 1.3 billion processing power providers, connected by high speed Internet connections, which can be aggregated, consolidated and then utilised to satisfy any of the myriad of profitable current, and future, needs for processing power.
- Summary: The project connects the world’s largest supply of GPU processing power, which belongs to the 1.3 billion gaming PCs in the global gaming community, with the rapidly growing, worldwide demand for massive processing power.