The future is going to be funky. Selling virtual land for real-world gains
2 min readJun 23, 2020


What do you think is real? If someone hands over money for an item, it has to be real, right?

What if you could sell virtual land and similar assets for real-world gains?

Well you can! To shed more light on this right now, let’s begin with…….

Decentraland. That is a good starting point. A dreamily vibed home page which scrolls and renders in a 3-D like effect and invites you in to explore. Here you will find that you can buy and own virtual assets, such as plots of land And you can sell them. And with the laws of supply and demand, digital asset appreciation is really on the cards.

Which begs our introductory headline question. And value is ascribed, or given, if you prefer. Augmented reality? Virtual reality? Altered reality? Or in the metaverse “times to come” — simply reality, or everyday life?

Digital, real or both? The lines are getting blurred.

This article neatly sums the situation up. And to borrow from its quoted source Radoslav Dragov the opportunity for small scale investments is prompting interest and growth. And blockchain is the currency building block of choice. Tokens are used to buy assets on the blockchain and these tokens can be sold or bought. $1m of land has been sold on Decentraland. It is a user driven platform and as Dragov puts it in the afore-mentioned article “this process of asset tokenisation is democratising investments.”

Gaming companies using Sandbox Games models are getting in on the ride. Millions are already being invested in these kinds of digital properties. and its rapidly developing portfolio of partners (see their partners and MoUs to attest) is also in on the act of promoting the free trade of in-game digital assets.

The future is going to be funky, for sure.



The project connects the unused, distributed GPU resources from the global gaming community to the growing worldwide demand for data processing power.