GAIMIN Litepaper
10 min readFeb 21, 2024


GAIMIN Platform


GAIMIN connects gamers’ unused PC components to meet the growing demand for data processing power. The platform allows users to easily lend their computing power in exchange for $GMRX. An AI engine efficiently prioritizes the use of this computing power based on demand. The focus is on prioritizing computing power for blockchain-related use-cases. Specifically, it can be used to run a gaming-focused blockchain built with the opBNB stack.

About the platform

GAIMIN platform is a game development environment, game launcher, and hub, with +300k gamers.

It also connects the underutilized supply of the global gaming community’s GPU processing power with the demand for massive data processing power via a distributed data processing network from devices (users) participating on the platform. This network is known as


Participation is simple — a user installs the GAIMIN platform, and it scans the user’s PC to identify key components, especially the GPU and CPU. Once the user enables monetization, the GAIMIN platform marks the device as ‘Ready for tasks’ within, and automatically assigns said tasks based on the device’s performance, availability, and the job’s requirements.

Currently, the GAIMIN Platform processes jobs requiring GPU devices. Initial testing has also confirmed its capability to utilize CPU resources. In the future, GAIMIN aims to expand the platform’s capabilities to include other PC components, including RAM and physical storage.

The main use cases (jobs) for the include, but are not limited to:

  • Video Rendering
  • Server Hosting
  • AI and Deep Learning Data Processing: Computer vision / Image classification / Object detection (Image and Video) / Content analysis, filtering, and moderation / Pattern recognition and anomaly detection
  • Powering blockchain computation: Blockchain calls are prioritized over others, and the engine ensures that there is always a minimum number of running nodes to maintain network stability. GPU processing is converted to L2 processing as required based on demand.

Key Features of GAIMIN

Processing Power

Utilizing PC GPUs (and soon CPUs, RAM, and hard drives) to create an aggregated pool for intensive processing tasks via

Developers can buy computation power from the at any moment, by submitting API calls with the task that they need to perform.

Data Processing with AI

The AI engine identifies the most profitable source of monetization at a given time, and the priority of the data processing job based on a number of factors including:

  • Profitability
  • Technical requirements
  • Available performance from devices (user’s compute)

When there are no AI or rendering jobs available, the engine will funnel the processing power to blockchain computations, therefore validating blockchain transactions via PoW or PoS.

Web3 tools

A range of blockchain-powered tools for game developers, including APIs and SDKs for creating and utilizing the computing power into the aforementioned use cases, as well as integrating Web3 features like tokens and wallets into their games.

$GMRX Utility Token

The GMRX token is the backbone of the GAIMIN ecosystem, a self-sustaining economy. It’s designed to mitigate inflation by deflationary actions prompted when inflation levels surge, thus maintaining the platform’s economic stability and long-term deflation.

Passive rewards

Users receive passive rewards in the form of $GMRX tokens when contributing their computational power to the platform.



Computing power from the can be utilized to operate a gaming-focused L2 solution built on top of BNB, and scaled with the technology of Movement Labs. This enables a throughput of over 150k TPS, reduced latency, minimal gas fees, and an enhanced Web3 gaming user experience.

Problem & Solution


  • Scalability and Latency: Current gaming platforms suffer from slow speeds and limited scalability, unequipped for the influx of web3 gamers.
  • Operational Costs: High development costs arise from inadequate SDK support for building on gaming platforms and chains.
  • Fragmented Ecosystems: Gaming platforms today lack interoperability, leading to fragmented ecosystems.
  • Game Monetization: Traditional gaming does not reward player engagement, and restricts the open trade of in-game assets
  • High Barrier of Entry: The complex UX of wallet creation and game navigation creates a high entry barrier for users and developers to Web3 games.
  • High Latency in multiplayer environments: Current multiplayer game server providers don’t offer low latency solutions.

Solutions — specialty L2

  • Higher Transaction Throughput and Lower Latency: Leveraging the opBNB stack and partnering with Movement Labs, we aim to boost transaction speeds to over 160,000 TPS, enhancing scalability and reducing transaction latency.
  • Game Development SDK: Our SDK empowers developers to effortlessly create games on the GAIMIN chain, offering predefined monetization paths and customizable smart contracts.
  • Interoperable Chain (EVM): Our EVM-based chain will simplify user interactions with EVM-compatible ecosystems, streamlining onboarding and improving user experience.
  • Monetization Powered by $GMRX: $GMRX incentives users for contributing computing power. Additionally, our DGAxg SDK facilitates the creation of cross-chain NFTs, enabling trading of NFTs across chains.
  • Lowering the Barrier of Entry: We’re lowering entry barriers with seamless integration of passkey-based wallet solutions into the platform and games, enhancing the web3 gaming experience. Native AA allows us to ensure that the user experience is streamlined across the onboarding and gaming journeys.

Building on top of opBNB

Our L2 will be built on top of opBNB, leveraging opBNB’s scalability and EVM compatibility. This partnership allows GAIMIN to process data more efficiently and expand its blockchain functionalities seamlessly. Here are streamlined reasons for GAIMIN’s choice:

  • Scalability: opBNB leverages Optimism’s bedrock version for superior scalability, pushing throughput beyond 4K transactions per second, with the potential for +100M gas per second, setting a new standard for Gaming-focused L2’ performance.
  • EVM Compatibility: Ensures existing tools and dApps work with minimal adjustments, facilitating easier migrations and integrations for developers.
  • Ease of Integration: The ease of integration is amplified by opBNB’s EVM stack, sophisticated sequencers, provers, and verifiers mechanism, streamlining the development process.
  • Gas Costs Efficiency: Achieves remarkable gas cost efficiency, averaging $0.001 for transfers, thanks to opBNB’s rollup technology, without compromising the security of the BNB Smart Chain.
  • Security: Enhances transaction security through cryptographic proofs, ensuring the integrity and safety of the network, which is crucial for the community and economy of GAIMIN.
  • Native Account Abstraction (ERC-4337): Offers native support for Account Abstraction, significantly simplifying user interactions and reducing UX complexity, further lowering the barrier to entry for new users.

Our L2 will scale further due to our partnership with Movement Labs.

Scaling with Movement Labs

opBNB’s infrastructure, based on Optimism’s bedrock version, pushes throughput beyond 4K TPS, but our network is scaled to support up to 150,000 TPS by complementing it with Movement Labs’ infrastructure. This is how:

  • Decentralized Sequencing: As a decentralized sequencer network, Movement Labs’ M1 can work in parallel with opBNB’s sequencers to create a decentralized and efficient system for processing and ordering transactions both on and off-chain.
  • Smart Contract Translation: Movement Labs’ Fractal translator translates Solidity smart contracts to Move, enhancing compatibility with opBNB meaning that GAIMIN can seamlessly interact with opBNB and other scaling solutions.
  • Cross-Compatibility: Movement Labs’ M1 is designed to power its M2 layer, but can also power Move based rollups. This interoperability can be leveraged to work with opBNB’s optimistic rollup stack.
  • Synergy for Throughput and Efficiency: opBNB’s infrastructure uses optimistic rollup technology to increase capacity and reduce fees which can directly drive high DAUs thanks to fast processing. Movement Labs’ sequencer network complements opBNB ensuring efficient handling of transactions and state transitions, taking throughput one step further.
  • Data Availability: Movement Labs also introduced M2, the first ZK Ethereum L2 that integrates Celestia for data availability which introduced MEVM (Move + EVM), combining the benefits of both Move and EVM. Integrating M2 with opBNB and M1 unlocks a seamless cross-chain experience, where assets can easily move between Ethereum, EVM, and Move-based chains.

Key Features of the L2


-Enhanced Scalability

With opBNB and our partnership with Movement Labs, we can enable a throughput to over 150,000 TPS, and lower L2 confirmation latency.

-Gas Efficiency

opBNB’s rollup brings down costs by batching and compressing data and also leverages underlying security features of the BNB Smart Chain.


-Interoperability with EVM & Move

Using opBNB for scaling ensures compatibility with EVM, enabling seamless interaction across EVM chains. Integrating opBNB with Movement Labs’ M1 and M2 enhances a seamless cross-chain experience between EVM and Move-based chains.

-Compatibility with EVM Tooling

The chain ensures full compatibility with EVM tools like Solidity and Hardhat, simplifying the migration of existing dApps or the initiation of new projects with familiar toolkits.

Development Ease


The SDK enables developers to deploy customizable smart contracts, wallets, and other Web3 features, optimizing for speed and/or cost based on their specific needs.

-Computing lets developers borrow computational power for rendering, machine learning, server hosting, and storage.

USPs of the L2

  • Native Account Abstraction: Implementation of native account abstraction in the chain enhances the gaming experience, and opens the door to key innovations:

a. *Session keys: ***facilitate flexible signing of transactions, securing wallets by limiting contract approvals to a specific number of blocks.

b. *Pre-confirmation of transactions: ***speeds up gameplay by validating transactions in the game’s front end, bypassing the need to wait for L1 finality.

c. *Gasless Transactions: *** Developers can create applications that cover user transaction fees, offering a smoother experience without the usual gas costs associated with on-chain activities.

  • Passkey-based Wallets: Allows for seamless onboarding of users that don’t hold any crypto into the GAIMIN ecosystem and chain.
  • Cross-chain NFT Trading: Through DGAxg, developed by us, facilitates the creation and trading of cross-chain NFTs that exist natively on the main EVM Layer 1’s.

The Integration of AI on a Gaming-Focused Layer 2

Combining AI with GAIMIN’s gaming-centric Layer 2 opens up exciting opportunities to optimize the on-chain gaming experience. Here’s how we can achieve that:

Dynamic Decision-Making for In-Game Events

Smart contracts and real-time blockchain interactions facilitate dynamic decision-making processes. This enables rapid and automatic responses to in-game events, such as logic changes, item availability, or player interactions, all governed by predefined algorithms.

Personalized Gaming Experiences

On-chain analysis of player preferences and behavior allows for the dynamic customization of in-game content, challenges, and rewards. This results in a more engaging and tailored gaming journey.

AI Moderators for In-Game Community Management

AI moderators utilize natural language processing and sentiment analysis to monitor and moderate player interactions, ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants with minimal human intervention.

Anti-Cheat and Fraud Detection Systems

Integration of sophisticated security measures and algorithms helps prevent cheating and ensures fairness in games.

AI-Driven Economy Balancing

AI-driven algorithms analyze supply and demand data for in-game assets. This allows for adjustments in rewards, token distributions, and resource availability to maintain a stable and thriving in-game economy.

Predictive Analytics for Developers

Developers within the GAIMIN ecosystem leverage the power of predictive analytics to make informed decisions about game design, balancing, and monetization strategies. By analyzing player behavior and market trends on-chain, developers gain valuable insights that inform their development choices and enhance the long-term success of their games.

BNB Greenfield

By leveraging BNB Greenfield for storing machine learning models and datasets in a decentralized manner, our AI capabilities are improved, such as the ability to train and execute machine learning models for the previously mentioned AI-driven game mechanics, predictive analytics, and AI-based economy balancing.

About us

The Company

  • Company formation: UK/Crypto Valley, Zug, Switzerland Team.
  • Established legal and regulatory frameworks and onboarded expert team members to ensure ongoing compliance.
  • Recruited key team members in Web3, software development, finance, legal, gaming, esports, communications, marketing, branding, and gamification.
  • Raised funds to build the GAIMIN platform to MVP stage, which has garnered 50k+ downloads. The platform was built using the Electron Programming Framework for mass scalability.
  • Established Gaimin Gladiators, a world-class esports organization, including the Number 1 ranked Dota 2 team, to spearhead the brand and user acquisition.
  • Developed the to provide GAIMIN platform users’ data processing power for technologies such as AI, rendering, and blockchain computations.
  • Established key partnerships to ensure ongoing integration of leading technologies and mass user adoption.
  • Transformed GAIMIN from a concept into a cutting-edge, Web3 gaming infrastructure project with a team of “90-person strong.” It is well-positioned to become a key gateway for the mass adoption of Web3 games and blockchain technology.
  • GAIMIN was approved for an SRO membership of the Swiss Financial Services Standards Association, “VQF,” under FINMA in March 2023. Details here.


Martin Speight, CEO

Experienced entrepreneur and business strategy consultant. Over 28 years of experience in sales & marketing. Founder of specialist online marketing consultancy. Specific experience working with Internet startups developing systems and processes for planned growth.

Calvin Adamus, CPO

Gaimin creator with product-specific knowledge. Strategic advisor, community building, and referral program specialist. Extensive experience developing concepts through to reality. Multi-lingual and world traveled.

Andrew Fardini, CMO

Founder of Canada’s largest local digital agency, with 18 years of experience, specializing in online advertising, branding, and social media. Vast experience in staff management, business processes, systems, scaling, and development.

Clive Aroskin, COO

Operations and logistics specialist with significant entrepreneurial startup experience. Extensive referral program expertise, community development, and event management.

Buki Ben Natan, CTO

Extensive knowledge of blockchain technologies and all aspects of IT product development. Vast experience with big data tech., stack & machine learning.

Robert Van Shaik, CFO

30 years of business formation and management experience, founded several successful online businesses. Startup investor specializing in technology and blockchain.

The Team

We are a team of highly skilled and experienced engineers, consisting of 20 talented individuals who are experts in their respective fields. Additionally, we have the ability to scale up to 50 engineers through our current outsourcing and team relationships. Furthermore, our partnership with Movement Labs enables us to leverage their engineering team for support with the integration.

We also have a dedicated group of over 20 individuals specializing in Business Development and Marketing. Together, we are fully prepared to successfully execute this project and create the most innovative gaming L2 chain in the industry.




The project connects the unused, distributed GPU resources from the global gaming community to the growing worldwide demand for data processing power.